From HTML to React: My Front-End Development Journey - A Rollercoaster Ride!

From HTML to React: My Front-End Development Journey - A Rollercoaster Ride!


2 min read

Ah, let me tell you about the thrilling ride that is my front-end development career. It all began with HTML, which was a piece of cake to grasp. I mean, come on, it's just tags and attributes, right? But then came CSS, and I must say, it was harder than trying to debug a legacy codebase.

Sure, I understood the tutorials and all, but when it came to implementation, I found myself setting the position of every element to fixed and manually tweaking their position. ๐Ÿ˜‚ But fear not, my friends, for we have Bootstrap and Tailwind, the magical painkillers for the headache that is CSS.

Now, Javascript, that was a whole different story. It was a lot of fun to learn, and I quickly got a solid understanding of it in just a few weeks. I started working on projects and making small games, and I have to say, it's become my favorite programming language. It's like the coffee of programming languages, it just never gets old.

But then came React, my current obsession. I am absolutely head over heels in love with it. It's just the right amount of challenge and satisfaction. It's like finding a perfect balance between work and play. And let's not forget about all those cool React components that just make our lives easier.

Looking back at my journey, I realize that I never really felt like I knew enough, but I just had to start with what I had at the time. Start now, my friends, and before you know it, you'll be a whole yards better than yesterday. Trust me, I never believed that I would even understand certain concepts, but here I am, laughing at the things I thought were difficult back then.

I know I have a long way to go, but I'm just grateful that I'm one step closer than I was yesterday. So let's keep on learning, keep on growing, and keep on building. Happy coding, folks! ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿš€
